Friday, May 8, 2009

Why Tutoring?

"Why Tutoring?" I have been asked this on more than one occasion by friends and family.

Some of them are curious, others are just making conversation, and still others are telling me that I should have chosen a more traditionally defined "high powered career." You see, I do not work a traditional 40 hour week job. Since I freelance, I work varying hours (anywhere from 5-45 per week), from varying locations.

Every time I am asked, my answer to all of these people is always the same - I chose tutoring as a career so I can do what I love and help others. Simple as that.

A lot of children dream of being doctors, firefighters, or veterinarians, but I cannot remember a time when I didn't want to be a tutor. I would help classmates out during lunch period, tutor my brothers with their math, and help my best friend with his book reports. Whoever needed tutoring help, I was thrilled to provide what knowledge I could in the subject.

Interestingly, I never wanted to be a teacher; I preferred the one-to-one interaction with my tutees that tutoring offered me. I am also addicted to the rewarding feeling that I get when someone understands a new concept for the first time.

After college, when I made a conscious decision to make freelance math tutoring my career, I knew I was making a decision that would allow me to do the kind of work I was passionate about, even after I hit retirement age.

It may not be a traditional 40 hour per week career path, but it is a path that I am enthusiastic about and very proud of - every day is a new chance to help someone succeed in the educational world. That, combined with working for myself, makes tutoring a dream career!

For the last 12 years, Brian has been a freelance math tutor who specializes in helping tutees grapple with the basics of elementary math concepts. He has recently completed ITA training and can be reached at

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