Question: Hi, Micki, I have a quick question about my tutee who is a self-proclaimed overachiever.
Usually this is a great thing, because he always puts in a lot of extra effort. This past semester, my tutee needed to take calculus, and it has been a very difficult class for him. He's tried his absolute best put in a lot of work, has done all of the homework and extra credit assignments...he's been a great tutee.
Unfortunately, there are only a few weeks left in the semester, and my tutee currently has a C+/B-. There is only one exam left, worth 10% of the total grade. Which means, even if my tutee aces it, the highest he can get in the course is a B+. He's convinced he can get an "A."
How do I gently break the news to my tutee that, at this point in the semester, an "A" is just not possible?
Answer: Hi, Jeremy. Sounds like you have a fantastic tutee, there, who's willing to put a lot of effort into learning! That's a great thing, no doubt about it, but it can cause some minor problems when the grade in his head isn't matching up with the grade on his report card.
The best thing for you to do right now is to be encouraging and supportive of your tutee's efforts (not just the grades he brings home).
Let him know that he is laying a good foundation for success by staying so focused and determined with his work.
Tell him how useful his tenacity and study habits will be for future classes.
Above all else - mention that he can be proud of whatever grade he gets, because he achieved that grade by doing his best.
It may not completely erase his concern over the "A," but it will make him feel better, and it will help him gradually accept whatever grade he ends up with at the end of the course.
Good luck, and happy tutoring!
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