Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ask Micki: Crossword puzzle as a project?

Question: Hello, Micki, thanks in advance for your help.  I was thinking of creating a crossword puzzle for my ITA certification project? It will be a world geography crossword puzzle aimed at elementary school (1st-3rd grade) students.  Would that be all right? 

A.L., in San Diego, CA

Answer:  Hi, A.L., great question!  Yes, I would definitely make a crossword puzzle as your final project! 

Here's why:
  1. It is a fun, educational worksheet to take with you for your tutoring sessions.
  2. Crossword puzzles are an entertaining tool that help tutees learn facts in a repetitious way, allowing them to recall the information more easily at a later date.
  3. Crossword puzzles reinforce grammar skills and spelling through reading and writing.
  4. Crossword puzzles promote critical thinking and reasoning.
  5. Crossword learning tools get kids (and adults) excited and interested, making them want to learn.
As you can see, crossword puzzles are little dynamos in the world of learning tools. 
Looking forward to seeing your finished project and, as always, happy tutoring!

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