Question: Hi, Micki. This may seem like an easy question, but I am pretty new to the tutoring business, and I need some help on this. I had a dad contact me a few days ago about tutoring his daughter in English & writing. The thing is, his daughter is only 4 years old.
This seems exceptionally young to start putting pressure on the child, and I am not sure I should take the job. I want to help her, but I know what it is like to have too much academic pressure put on you at a young age - it stinks. Help!
Laurie in Syracuse
Answer: Hi, Laurie - thanks for your question! First of all, I agree with you. I think that a lot of parents are putting way too much pressure on kids these days. Kids need to be kids, and childhood is short enough without all of the adult pressures to succeed at everything under the sun.
That being said, I would absolutely take the job!
Think of it this way: who would be better for the tutoring job? A hardcore tutor who pushes a 4 year old too hard in the name of success? Or you, a tutor who will be understanding and compassionate enough to patiently help the tutee brush up on reading without making her stressed about her progress?
It seems to me that with your outlook of the situation, you will be cautious not to push her too hard, but will be willing to put the time in, and help her learn to enjoy reading and writing.
Technically, if tutoring is done correctly, and the tutor pays attention to the tutee's learning style, it is never too young to begin tutoring. If you think about it, babies are tutored every day as they learn to walk, talk, etc. As long as the tutoring is done in a low key, kid friendly way, tutoring can actually be a fun part of a young child's week.
I would definitely suggest making the sessions as entertaining as possible while still helping your tutee pick up the basic concepts. Write a few stories together, have her read her favorite books as practice materials, check out the resources for some cool reading/writing games.
Whatever you can do to make the tutoring more fun will undoubtedly make the tutoring session more enjoyable and much more effective.
Good luck, and as always, happy tutoring!
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