Question: Hi, Micki. I have a question about something that recently happened with someone I was tutoring in Chemistry. I had just met my tutee, and about halfway through our first tutoring session, I realized that the areas of tutoring he was having trouble with were math related.
After we tried to work out a formula for about 10 minutes, I realized that a math tutor would really be necessary for him if he was going to understand Chemistry (and get the B+ or higher that he wanted). My question: How do I go about mentioning this, recommending a tutor, etc? Thanks!
Chem Tutor from West Chester, PA
Answer: Hi Chem Tutor. Good question, and something that a lot of tutors face. Especially those tutors in the science subjects since they deal with topics that rely heavily on math - as you know, math is not the easiest subject for a lot of students, and can affect their science grades. So, good for you being such a great tutee and recognizing that your tutee needs additional help!
I would recommend having a list of names and contact info for tutors in other subject areas. Keep the list with you when tutoring. You never know when it might be needed. I know that I’ve used mine on more than one occasion. If you don’t know other tutors try recommending sources, such as, that will help tutees and parents locate appropriate tutors in their area.
A local college can also prove to be a good referral resource. Many tutors working at college tutoring centers like to work after school as private tutors. A quick visit or call to the tutoring center just might result in some nice referrals.
However you choose to handle this situation, know that the goodwill gesture of taking that extra tutoring step will be appreciated by your tutee. Good luck, and happy tutoring!